François Morellet- Géometree n°109





This is a work of art from François Morellet, it title is “geometree n°109”. It was realized in 1993. He makes a word game between geometrics and tree. This painting is composed to a tree branch which takes a form in right angle. This tree branch seems to have Y form bisection. Plus Morellet uses only vertical lines, horizontal lines and diagonal lines in black on a white background.  With these tools, he forms a square which comes with in full in de work of art; two sides in black painting and two others sides with a tree branch. Then have a slightly inclined square comes out of the painting, it’s composed with two diagonal lines black and the Y form bisection.  This artwork measured 240 x 240cm. “Geometree n°109” belongs to Musée des Abattoirs since 1995.

With the word game, he makes a surprising connection between nature that grows everywhere which no rigor and geometry which highly structured. Morellet is a mixture of order and disorder. It is an association between nature and artifice. Usually it’s the geometry that brings rigor, structure whereas here it’s nature that comes to structure the painting.

Morellet establishes differents forms of arrangement (overlapping, fragmentation, juxtaposition, interference…) can define his work as experiments. Thereafter he worked with neons.

Garcia Julie D

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